We are in a war for the soul of San Francisco. For a generation, hard-working, law-abiding, tax paying citizens have experienced an ethnic cleansing of sorts as San Francisco has been hijacked by progressive extremists. These progressives have systematically destroyed the quality of life for productive local citizens to the point where San Francisco is widely recognized as the worst run city in America.
Progressives are directly responsible for the rampant crime, homelessness, open air drug use, debilitatingly high cost of living and broken infrastructure that San Francisco has become synonymous with. They have driven families and businesses out of the city in droves while they loot the city’s coffers.
This war hasn’t been fought on equal footing. Progressives have cloaked their corrupt policies in the veil of social justice and equality. When practical citizens have inquired about these policies and their effectiveness, they are quickly labeled agents of the far right. Progressive extremists have weaponized language and confused civic discourse to the point that when they are accused of theft they call their accusers racist. Rational moderates can’t even have the discussion when the result is a public shaming.
Progressive incumbents have kept a firm grip on all the levers of power in San Francisco through decel psyops that pacify and sideline citizens, while progressives in charge collect rent in perpetuity.
Progressive incumbents have sloppily executed an anti-American, anti-Capitalist agenda that would make any terrorist proud. They have stoked fear and anxiety, driven political chaos, and destabilized the most basic systems that local, tax-paying citizens rely on. Under progressive leadership. San Francisco has experienced an unprecedented state of despair. The ground zero of socialist experiments have led to a District Attorney that prosecuted police officers rather than criminals, a Board of Education who spent their time during the pandemic stripping schools of their names rather than returning children to classrooms, and a Board of Supervisors who campaigned to defund the police, stop housing and push through anti-business policies and taxes that drove out companies, their employees, and families. Make no mistake about it, progressive extremists have targeted local enterprises and systematically dismantled every previously functioning system they can get their hands on. The result is the most expensive, highest tax city in the western world that is the least safe and most dysfunctional.
Progressive leaders blame capitalism for this. Specifically, tech elites. This is utter nonsense. Capitalism, and any problems related to it, have nothing to do with this.
The more than thirty thousand homeless that struggle everyday on our streets have nothing to do with capitalism. The open air fentanyl markets that clog the heart of our city with lifeless bodies have nothing to do with tech workers. The rampant crime that forces families out of the city isn't the fault of tax paying citizens. The lack of any new housing isn't due to free enterprise. The broken transportation system, aging infrastructure, needles in parks, budget shortfalls, school funding challenges, increasing gun violence and dirty streets are completely unrelated to the great economic system America and San Francisco were built on.
The root of all major trouble in San Francisco is progressive extremists and their leadership. The entire San Francisco progressive movement is incompetent and corrupt, and it's an evil tapeworm on the productivity of reasonable, tax-paying citizens that are the true economic, civil and cultural heart of San Francisco.
There is a view that San Francisco voters brought this upon themselves. The truth is that most voters didn’t realize what was happening before the damage was done. Most all the troubles in San Francisco have been inflicted by a small number of corrupt leaders who snuck in on razor thin margins. These officials cheated the system while rational voters weren’t paying attention. Even cheating, they barely won. Connie Chan won by 123 votes, Dean Preston won by 184 votes. The truth is that in a fair and open election, these progressive extremists will lose. As evidenced by the recall of Chesea Boudin and the election of a more moderate set of leaders recently, a vast majority of citizens don’t agree with progressive extremists and prefer moderate and capable leadership.
We must not just fight back against these progressive extremists, we must rid ourselves of them. We must reclaim San Francisco.
This fight is not about restoring San Francisco to what it once was. It was fine, but San Francisco has not reached what its potential could be. We deserve better. This is about unabashedly fulfilling the promise and destiny that San Francisco deserves.
San Francisco is a globally important center of innovation, creativity and inspiration. It’s a mecca for weird but ambitious people that want to create a better future to come here and build. Its natural beauty is rivaled only by the incredible number of ideas and companies that originate in this small radius and affect billions of people all over the world. There is nowhere else, not even close to anywhere else, that is anything like it. This fact should be embraced, not shunned.
There is something deeply good about the people that come to San Francisco to build and prosper. They are here to create. They aspire to do more than the rent seeking industries of oil, finance or real estate that dominate global cities across the world. They are a singular force in the world that can accelerate global wealth and happiness through tech advancement. Hoodies and sweats may never grace the cover of Vogue and will forever be deeply uncool, but somewhere along the way it became shameful to push the world forward through technology. This is bizarre. In a sane world, these builders that are law-abiding, tax-paying citizens should be held up as a beacon of light. Perhaps the correct narrative is that these citizens managed to somehow keep a city and economy on life support despite progressive extremists who systematically pillaged their own citizens. These noble builders withstood incoherent policy, broken systems and a levy of anti-business policies like Prop C, Prop 47, overpaid Executive Tax, and many other counter-productive policies against all odds still made progress, all while being hated and mocked for doing so.
The reason this is so important is that the triumph of progress over evil is not always assured. In the late 1800s through the early 1900s, there was a concentration of world class physicists and mathematicians that worked together to form a foundation for a century worth of physics. As Scott Alexander explains: the concentration and network of these remarkable minds in one place resulted in one of the greatest spurts of progress in scientific history. This group formed the foundation for relativity, quantum mechanics, nuclear bombs, dazzling new mathematical systems, the foundation of digital computing and various other abstruse ideas that became the bedrock of modern physics. This period lasted about one generation, until a murderous psychopath with a stupid mustache killed everyone involved. Despite the innovation that came out of that period lasting many decades, the erosion of Europe at the hands of Hitler set physics progress back decades. Humans lost out.
Progressive extremists are interested in the total eradication of everything that has made San Francisco and broadly America, so special. The disbandment of builders in San Francisco won’t just be bad for San Francisco, but the world more broadly.
Capitalism and entrepreneurship are maybe the only forces for progress we have left as humans and if left to their own devices, overzealous progressives will eliminate them however they can. The truth is that capitalism is the primary way to move humanity forward and San Francisco is the definitive beacon of light that can lead the way. Progressive extremists should be treated as enemies of the state. There is nothing humane about the hundred bodies that lie motionless each night on Market Street. We can find salvation only through the acceleration of capitalist solutions without compromise.
There are good organizations on the right side of this war. YIMBY, Neighbors, GrowSF and many others. We have a good mayor in Daniel Lurie, and we have a handful of District Supervisors that are generally better than we have had in the past.
But we need more. Much more. We are a small group that believes there needs to be a new, hyper-focused group of fanatical moderates that are dedicated to the complete and total overhaul of San Francisco’s political and structural institutions.
We are organizing a serious effort and are recruiting. We are well-funded and focused fanatics. Our success will be measured by how much we have changed the very fabric and political constitution of San Francisco within a decade.
We expect to draft a clear and concise set of policies focused on safety, cleanliness, beautification, pro-business regulation, and functional city services. We want to drive action and outcomes around those policies. We expect to promote extreme transparency in all sectors of local government, aggressively eliminating corruption and totally dismantling the homeless industrial complex. We expect to identify, promote and help elect rational leadership that can carry out this vision.
If you are interested in being part of this movement, please email us at reclaimsanfrancisco@protonmail.com.
It’s never been so clear that this war has not been lost. It’s just beginning. We have no doubt that free enterprise builders that were the foundation of America’s beginning and San Francisco’s prosperity can save this city.
It’s time to get started.
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